Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I met my buddies Dillon and Grinch out at north beach yesterday to go surfing. The buoy reading went all the way up to 10 feet. This is the first time I've surfed second street since the beach restoration started in October.

It was big. It's not very often that we get waves this big out on Tybee. The current was strong pulling us south. We'd paddle out, catch a few rides, then get out and hike our way north and hop in again for another drift.

You can tell by this picture, it's not always that clean coming in. We saw one girl try to go out yesterday who didn't even make it up to her shoulders in the water before calling it quits. When it gets this big out there you have to be careful.

Dillon, Grinch and I all got rocked a few times yesterday, but the rides we did catch made it all worth it.

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